Soil acidification is an unavoidable process that follows on from fertilization, different fertilizer products differ in their capacity to acidify the soil; substantial savings on lime costs can be made by selecting fertilizer products accordingly. Dr Erik Adriaanse explains how significant savings on lime costs may be achieved through the use of Limestone Ammonium Nitrate (LAN): Save on lime costs
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Dr Neil Miles consulting soil scientist
Neil Miles is a consulting soil scientist based in Mount Edgecombe. Prior to entering into consultancy, he spent 28 years with the KZN Department of Agriculture, as a research scientist and research manager, followed by 10 years in research and advisory work with the South African Sugarcane Research Institute (SASRI).
Neil played a leading role in the development of both the Cedara Fertilizer Advisory Service and SASRI’s Fertiliser Advisory Service (FAS). His PhD, through the University of Natal, focused on the nutrition of intensive pastures. Neil’s particular interests are soil health and the nutrition of crops and pastures.
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