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Triple Super Phosphate - TSP also referred to as Double Super

Triple Super Phosphate – TSP also referred to as Double Super Phosphate

All figures quoted should be considered as a typical product analysis and may vary due to manufacturing process and raw materials.


  1. A generally spherical shaped granular product.
  2. Colour generally light to dark grey.
  3. Critical Relative Humidity @ 30ºC: 75 – 85.


  1. A mono calcium phosphate.
  2. Chemical formula: Ca(H2PO4)2 . H2O.
  3. 19 – 23% Phosphorus (P).
  4. Over 90% of the P in TSP is water soluble.
  5. 15.5 – 17.1% Calcium (Ca).
  6. 1 – 2.3% Sulphur (S).
  7. Salt index: 10.1 (relative to Sodium Nitrate @ 100)


  1. TSP provides  the highest concentration of straight phosphate fertilizer that is available.
  2. Provides a P source for production of  blends for leguminous crops where no additional nitrogen is desired.
  3. Granules dissolve rapidly in the soil in the presence of adequate soil moisture.
  4. Compatible for blending with LAN, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Sulphate, Potassium Nitrate.


Please note: Consult a qualified person (Act 36 of 1947) for specific applications / recommendations.