All figures quoted should be considered as a typical product analysis and may vary due to manufacturing process and raw materials.
- A generally spherical shaped granular product.
- Colour generally light to dark grey.
- Critical Relative Humidity @ 30ºC: 75 – 85.
- A mono calcium phosphate.
- Chemical formula: Ca(H2PO4)2 . H2O.
- 19 – 23% Phosphorus (P).
- Over 90% of the P in TSP is water soluble.
- 15.5 – 17.1% Calcium (Ca).
- 1 – 2.3% Sulphur (S).
- Salt index: 10.1 (relative to Sodium Nitrate @ 100)
- TSP provides the highest concentration of straight phosphate fertilizer that is available.
- Provides a P source for production of blends for leguminous crops where no additional nitrogen is desired.
- Granules dissolve rapidly in the soil in the presence of adequate soil moisture.
- Compatible for blending with LAN, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Sulphate, Potassium Nitrate.
Please note: Consult a qualified person (Act 36 of 1947) for specific applications / recommendations.